Disney’s “Strange World” is a gem that’s flown under the radar far too long. This adventure film, bursting with pulp fiction flair, weaves its narrative around the Clade family spanning three generations, each with their own beliefs about family identity. The grandfather, father, and son journey through a story rich with emotional depth, brushing against themes of generational trauma — a narrative Disney handles with finesse.
Visually, the film is a masterpiece, boasting some of Disney’s most stunning animations. Unfortunately, it didn’t get the theater presence it deserved. Drawing inspiration from classics like Indiana Jones, “Strange World” introduces environmental themes set within a breathtaking alien universe that captivates from start to finish. The landscapes are truly otherworldly, filled with vibrant characters and compelling creatures that live up to their namesake—honestly, they’re quite strange.
Yet, despite the fantastic setting, the core conflicts remain grounded in the human experience. The Clades’ journey to understand one another speaks to universal family dynamics, underscoring that sometimes you need to explore the uncharted to recognize the truths that lie in plain sight. Sadly, due to Disney’s lackluster marketing efforts, the film didn’t perform well at the box office, missing a wider audience who would’ve appreciated its magic. If you’re a Disney+ subscriber, do yourself a favor and stream this underrated masterpiece — it’s truly phenomenal and deserved so much more recognition.