IO Interactive, the studio behind the popular Hitman series, has decided to part ways with mixed martial artist Conor McGregor. This decision comes following the conclusion of a civil case, where a woman who accused McGregor of rape won her lawsuit against him. The gaming company took to Twitter to express that such a significant court ruling was not something they could overlook.
Conor McGregor had featured in The Disruptor DLC of the Hitman games. In their announcement, IO Interactive stated, “Considering the recent court decision involving Conor McGregor, we have chosen to end our collaboration with him immediately. This is a serious matter, and the ruling’s impact is not lost on us.”
The studio also mentioned their plan to remove all content featuring McGregor from their platforms starting that day. This move underlines IO Interactive’s commitment to maintaining its brand values amidst the sensitivity surrounding legal judgments and public opinion.