The next installment in the Borderlands series is making headlines for some significant shifts in its approach. Sam Winkler, the narrative director for Borderlands 4, has shared that Gearbox is steering away from its usual reliance on meme culture and bathroom humor. This announcement comes in the wake of feedback suggesting that Borderlands 3 might have overindulged in these elements, causing some fans to question if the jokes were starting to overshadow the gameplay itself.
During The Game Awards 2024, enthusiasts got their first substantial glimpse of Borderlands 4. The trailer set the scene with new factions, villains, and tantalizing snippets of gameplay featuring the four vault hunters. Although details remain scarce, this initial look hinted at a slightly darker tone, a point that Winkler addressed online when a fan expressed concerns about the series possibly losing its signature humor.
Winkler assured followers that the forthcoming game is Gearbox’s most ambitious project yet. While he refrained from giving too much away about the storyline, he acknowledged the criticism around the excess of toilet humor in its precursor, suggesting that Borderlands 4 would be scaling back on such aspects.
This shift doesn’t mean the game will abandon its comedic roots entirely. When prodded for more specifics, Winkler humorously reassured that while there might still be toilets in the game, they won’t dominate the narrative as they did before. He even clarified a misunderstanding about a supposed weapon from a fan comment, confirming it’s not part of the development.
Despite the promising trailer, there’s still an air of mystery shrouding Borderlands 4, especially concerning the antagonist known as The Timekeeper. Little is known about the four Vault Hunters’ abilities, leading some fans to view them as rather unremarkable at this stage. However, with the release set for 2025, there’s ample time for Gearbox to flesh out these details and alleviate fans’ concerns as the launch approaches.
Ultimately, Borderlands 4 still promises to deliver the action-packed, adventurous experience players have come to expect from the franchise. As Gearbox continues to refine and reveal more about this evolving universe, only time will tell if it successfully balances retaining its humor while embracing a more mature storytelling palette.