Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable made its initial appearance in Early Access on Quest last July, introducing players to a single mission, or ‘chapter,’ along with a few unlockable weapons. This release was just the beginning, with promises of more content in the pipeline. Fast forward to now, and developer UNIVRS has rolled out the ‘Complete Edition,’ which has expanded the game to include four chapters.
When we first got our hands on it in July, the game felt somewhat like a tech demo. It offered a glimpse into the core gameplay but was confined to one chapter and an endless wave mode with a scoreboard to track your progress.
With the launch of the Complete Edition, players can now dive back in to explore chapters three and four, uncover the Epilogue, and face off against an Armored Titan boss.
Excitingly, the game now also includes a co-op mode, allowing you and a friend to play through all the chapters together.
In addition to releasing the full game, UNIVRS has hinted at a ‘Thunder Spear Unlock Event’ scheduled for January, which they describe as a “global challenge.” They’re also planning a free update for 2025, according to the game’s website.
Even though we found the game a bit “rough” during our initial playthrough earlier this year, it has clearly struck a chord with fans. As of now, Attack on Titan VR: Unbreakable boasts an impressive 4.5/5 user rating on the Horizon Store.
For those who got the Early Access version, Part 2 comes as a complimentary download. New players can purchase Part 1 individually for $8, Part 2 for $12 (with Part 1 required), or opt for the bundle that includes both Part 1 and Part 2 for $20. The game is compatible with Quest 2, Quest 3/S, and Quest Pro.