Dreams on a Pillow is an intriguing video game that serves as a window into the 1948 Nakba, a period marked by the displacement of around 700,000 people as a result of the Zionist occupation. The game is crafted by Palestinian developer Rasheed Abu-Eideh, and it offers a narrative-rich experience that dives deep into this historical event.
The premise of this game presents what could be described as a “pseudo-3D stealth adventure,” set in a world where people’s connection to their land is forcefully severed. But before diving deeper into this new project, it’s worth taking a step back to reflect on Abu-Eideh’s earlier work.
Back in 2016, Abu-Eideh released Liyla and the Shadows of War, a poignant title based on the 2014 assault on Gaza by Israeli forces, known as Operation Protective Edge. This game trails a young Palestinian girl and her family as they navigate the perilous conditions in their neighborhood. Despite its brief duration, Liyla leaves a lasting emotional impact, skillfully combining platform-style gameplay with elements reminiscent of a choose-your-own-adventure story. Impressively, in 2021, it featured in an Indie Bundle Pack, managing to raise close to $900,000 for Palestinian relief efforts through UNRWA USA.
These days, Liyla and the Shadows of War is available for free on both mobile devices and Windows. However, its journey wasn’t without challenges. Upon its release in 2016, the Apple App Store initially rejected it, not categorizing it as a “Game” due to its political themes. They suggested it be filed under “News” or “Reference” instead. This decision stirred controversy, especially when Apple simultaneously allowed a game titled Israeli Heroes in the game section. After Abu-Eideh voiced his concerns on social media, Apple reconsidered and permitted Liyla to be rightly cataloged as a game.
At present, Abu-Eideh is seeking funding for Dreams on a Pillow through a campaign on LaunchGood, running until January 13th. The funds secured from this initiative will be directed towards asset creation, outsourcing, and remunerating the nine-member team currently working on the project. The game is anticipated to hit the market in the fourth quarter of 2026, and it is certainly a title to watch for those interested in immersive historical narratives.