Alien: Rogue Incursion, which made its debut on PSVR 2 and PC VR headsets last December, is now expanding its reach, landing on Quest 3. This marks the first time the iconic “Alien” franchise has ventured into the realm of VR-native games, and fans have been eagerly waiting for it.
When we first reviewed the game at launch, we were captivated by the heart-pounding run-ins with Xenomorphs. Their predator-like behavior kept us on edge, but the thrill was dampened by frequent and predictable encounters. The frustrating save system didn’t help matters either, landing the game a score of 7 out of 10 in our spoiler-free review.
There has been a series of updates since then, and they arrived just in time for the Quest 3 release, available now on the Horizon Store for $40. Of note is a crucial patch that dropped only days ago. This patch fine-tuned the Xenomorph spawn mechanics by tweaking how they detect players, ensuring they no longer overwhelm with numbers or unerring precision. Plus, the save system got a tweak, giving players the freedom to reload from earlier save points, rather than just one.
While we haven’t dived into the Quest 3 version ourselves, early impressions suggest mixed feelings. The YouTube channel ‘Gamertag VR’ provides a thorough look at the latest Quest version, while pointing out a few graphical issues.
“The game loses some of its dark allure on the Quest,” they noted. “You have a flashlight attached to your head, but in the first four to five hours, you’ll barely need it because the surroundings are just too well-lit.”
On the brighter side, Xenomorph engagements reportedly feel more authentic, likely thanks to the tuning adjustments made in the final patch before release.
For those curious about how the Quest 3 edition stacks up against the original on PSVR 2, the YouTube channel ‘The VR Grid’ offers a direct comparison. While the core gameplay remains largely consistent, the Quest version sacrifices things like dynamic lighting and realistic effects such as steam. It also has a reduced draw distance. However, it compensates with clearer in-game text.
Technically, what we’re referring to as Alien: Rogue Incursion is only the first chapter in a two-part saga. Survios clarified in December that this opening chapter stands alone but ends on a cliffhanger, teasing more to come. The studio is busy crafting ‘Part Two’, which promises to advance Zula’s journey with tougher adversaries and more challenging trials.