Game Source Entertainment, along with Tokyo Virtual Theory (TVT), has exciting news for rhythm game enthusiasts: their rhythm-based roguelike action game, Ratatan, is on its way to the Nintendo Switch.
This game is a spiritual successor to the much-adored Patapon from Japan Studio and Pyramid. The story unfolds on the vibrant and bustling island of Rataport, which stands in stark contrast to the peaceful, endless sea. Here, the quirky creature known as Ratatan frolics joyfully with its companions, the Cobun.
Despite their varied looks and distinct personalities, Ratatan and the Cobun are united by one shared dream: traveling to The Everafter to encounter The Goddess, rumored to reside there. No matter the setbacks along their journey, their determination to meet her never wavers.
Developed with the expertise of Hiroyuki Kotani, who produced the Patapon series, Ratatan places you in the shoes of its titular character. You’ll wield magical instruments to rhythmic beats, issuing commands to the Cobun army to strike enemies. Mastering these rhythm sequences unlocks the Fever Mode, where the music becomes dynamic and characters engage in unique actions.
Eager gamers worldwide can look forward to Ratatan’s release on the Nintendo Switch via the Nintendo eShop in 2025.